Saturday, Jan. 11 will be the Museum’s Annual Meeting from 9am – 11am. Celebrate our great year in 2024 and look forward to 2025 as you learn about the Museum’s plans for the future. We’ll see you there!
Check out the Museum’s Holiday Hours
Happy Holidays to all! The Museum will close to the public at noon on Dec. 21 and will be closed for the holidays until Thursday, January 2. Here’s to a great 2024 and we’ll see you in 2025!
Pearl Harbor talk this Saturday, Dec. 7
7 December – In commemoration of the 83rd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a special presentation will tell the story of battleship USS West Virginia (BB-48) and two local residents, Albert (Pete) Peterson and Donald Seibold who served on the battleship. Pete was on the battleship when
it was sunk at Pearl Harbor, and Don joined the ship for its return to service at the Battle of Leyte Gulf
(Philippines), continuing to the end of the war. We will have the daughters of both Pete and Don join us to talk about their fathers. Be there at 10am!
Bring your donations for Veterans to the Museum between now and Dec. 7!
It’s that time of year! Bring your donations for Christmas Stockings for Veterans to the Broomfield Veterans Museum (12 Garden Center) prior to Dec. 7. Donation ideas include individually wrapped candies, snacks, puzzle books, games, and socks and other small clothing items. Coordinated by Broomfield American Legion Post 58, Beth Skinner Realty, and Broomfield Veteran Support Alliance.
Explore the Battle of the Bulge this Saturday!
This Saturday, 23 November – Don Cygan and Mike Fellows will give a talk highlighting the upcoming 80th Anniversary of the start of the Battle of the Bulge on 16 December 1944. Focus of their talk will tell the story of how determined resistance by a platoon of Infantry, in the 99th Division, and scattered combat engineers of the 291st and 51st Engineer battalions thwarted quick German access to key roads and bridges to the northwest which they counted on for success.
C & C this Saturday about Lend-Lease
This Saturday, 9 November at 10am– Tyler Brownell is a recent graduate with double Master Degrees in International War Studies. His Master’s dissertation was on the subject of Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union during the Second World War. More than just an aid program, Lend-Lease was an instrumental factor in Allied victory on every front, and even had impacts thousands of miles from the frontlines, and which lasted decades after the war ended.
Whitlock and Cygan to discuss the German invasion of Poland in 1939 this Saturday
This Saturday, October 26 at 10am, Flint Whitlock will give a special talk about the German invasion of Poland which touched off the European phase of WWII. On 1 September 1939, Germany attacked with an overwhelming force of 1.5 million German troops. Museum volunteer and award-winning author, Flint will present a program that explores little-known aspects of this history-changing event. He will also talk about his visit last month to Poland and some of the sites associated with the war. Don Cygan, also a museum volunteer and author, will add his observations from his recent trip to Poland.
Broomfield Veterans Day program will be Nov. 11 at 11am!
The Broomfield Veterans Museum’s annual Veterans Day event is on Nov. 11 at 11am in front of the Museum at 12 Garden Center. This annual program features patriotic music, speeches, and, this year, keynote speaker Doug Nunes. Nunes is involved in Vietnam Veterans of America and Cooper’s Troopers and has spoken before at various veteran events around Denver as well as at several Coffee & Conversation programs at the Museum. Performances by Mile High Fife and Drum, the Broomfield Civic Chorus, and the Rocky Mountain Brassworks will bring engaging musical entertainment to the event.
Expert retired Naval Officer to discuss Chinese military thinking
On Saturday, 12 October at 10am, Gary Bjorge, who is a retired Naval Officer and former faculty member at the U. S. Army’s Command and General Staff College—where he served for over 30 years—will speak about current Chinese military thinking. He is fluent in Chinese and Japanese. He served as a Chinese translator at Panmunjom during his service in the U.S. Navy.
Special D-Day talk this Saturday, Sept. 28
28 September – David Barrett is a noted author and previous C&C presenter. He will tell the story of nine US Navy Destroyers off Omaha Beach on D-Day. The ships closed within several hundred yards to the beach, firing over 9,000 rounds at German positions to help breakup the slaughter of our landing forces. Be there at 10am sharp!